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English translation for "qualitative observation"


Related Translations:
qualitative variable:  定性变量品质变数
qualitative forecasting:  定性预报定性预测
qualitative economics:  定性经济学
qualitative response:  质反应
qualitative variables:  性质变值
qualitative percussion:  定性叩诊
qualitative research:  定性调查定性研究质性研究
qualitative tendency:  特性趋势
qualitative relation:  种别关系。
qualitative representation:  质量表示法
Example Sentences:
1.Standard guide for qualitative observations of skimmer performance
2.Test method for identification of textile fibres . qualitative observation of colour - production for chlorine and nitrogen
3.From different viewpoints , it has different types . especially to say , i classify classroom observation in tow parts : quantitative observation and qualitative observation , which based on the method the researcher use to collect information . at the end of this part , i give a general research framework , namely plaining before the observation , doing observation records and analyzing the data
4.In simple words , field notes is primary way to record information . so lots of words will be produced and we use a very different method to analyze the information . the quantitative observation and the qualitative observation both have their own advantages and disadvantages
)其实,定性课堂观察的记录方式从本质上来看,主要就是田野笔记(实地笔课堂观察方法之研究一记) ,对田野笔记所记录的大量原始文字资料的分析方法不同于对数据的分析方法,但也有一定的规律可循。
5.Category systems are its techniques to gather data , and it has three forms : coding system , tally system or checklist and rating scale . they all produce some numbers as the form of the data the data are analyzed by the way of statistics . in the last part , the article talks about the qualitative observation
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